Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling – Köp som bok, ljudbok och e-bok
av Elina Lahelma
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Rek. pris: 209
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Information om Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling
Här hittar du all information du kan tänkas vilja veta kring Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling. Boken är skriven av författaren Elina Lahelma. Tufnell Press är ansvarigt utgivande bokförlag och därmed de som gav ut boken. Utgivningsdatumet för Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling var 2014-12-18.
Originalspråket som Elina Lahelma skrev och gav ut boken på var Engelska. Dess genre är Pedagogik Social- & kulturantropologi vilket ger den som SAB. Boken finns i flera olika versioner men dess vanligaste format är Häftad (Paperback / softback).
Om du vill läsa Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling i traditionell inbundet format eller pocket så består den av 172 antal sidor. Dess fysiska dimensioner är 230 x 155 x 10 mm och den väger så mycket som 257 g. Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling ISBN är 9781872767147. Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling är en fristående bok .
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Fakta om boken
- Boktitel: Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling
- Författare: Elina Lahelma
- Genre: Pedagogik Social- & kulturantropologi
- Förlag: Tufnell Press
- Utgivningsdatum: 2014-12-18
- Pris: 209
- Format: Häftad (Paperback / softback)
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 172
- Fysiska dimensioner: 230 x 155 x 10 mm
- SAB:
- ISBN: 9781872767147
Vanliga frågor om boken
Fair And Competitive? Critical Perspectives On Contemporary Nordic Schooling är skriven av författaren Elina Lahelma
Boken i den här utgåvan gavs ut 2014-12-18.
Förlagets text om boken:
The Nordic countries have traditionally been regarded as archetypal representatives of social democratic welfare states. But particularly since the 1990s the concept of universal welfare and education has increasingly been infused with neo-liberal ideas and technologies, even if the extent to which this has happened and its expressions vary from one Nordic country to the next. Marketisation, new public management and an emphasis on individualism and individual responsibility have profoundly affected education, with increased focus on competition, knowledge, performance and assessment. This is the context, the educational landscape of this book.Through ethnographic studies in varied educational institutions in Finland, Norway and Sweden we ask, how these political aspects are visible, how they are negotiated and contested in the practices and everyday lives of students and teachers in schools, and what are their implications for democratic influence? Can the competitive school be at the same time fair? The chapters are written from a critical ethnographic perspective, using ethnographic data and analysis to address power relations in education with reference to the political aim of social inclusion and democracy. The authors address diversities and differences and their interpretations are informed by an intersectional understanding of gender, ethnicity and social class.
Utgivande förlag: Tufnell Press