New Oil Painting – Köp som bok, ljudbok och e-bok
av Kimberly Brooks
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Rek. pris: 121
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Information om New Oil Painting
Här hittar du all information du kan tänkas vilja veta kring New Oil Painting. Boken är skriven av författaren Kimberly Brooks. Chronicle Books LLC är ansvarigt utgivande bokförlag och därmed de som gav ut boken. Utgivningsdatumet för New Oil Painting var 2021-05-18.
Originalspråket som Kimberly Brooks skrev och gav ut boken på var . Dess kategoriseras i genren: “Kultur” och finns i flera olika versioner men dess vanligaste format är E-bok.
Om du är ute efter ISBN-numret för New Oil Painting är det: 9781797200675.
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Fakta om boken
- Boktitel: New Oil Painting
- Författare: Kimberly Brooks
- Genre: Kultur
- Förlag: Chronicle Books LLC
- Utgivningsdatum: 2021-05-18
- Pris: 121
- Format: E-bok
- ISBN: 9781797200675
Vanliga frågor om boken
New Oil Painting är skriven av författaren Kimberly Brooks
Boken i den här utgåvan gavs ut 2021-05-18.
Förlagets text om boken:
Here is everything you need to know about getting into oil paintingand maintaining a safe, solvent-free oil painting practicein a slim, sophisticated guide.Oil painting is an exciting and adventurous medium, but aspiring artists can feel daunted by complex setups and the thought of using harsh chemicals. All of that changes now. The New Oil Painting walks you step-by-step through oil painting fundamentalswhich materials you actually need, how to mix paint, how to set up your painting spaceand, most revolutionary of all, how to eliminate harmful solvents from your work and replace them with safe, effective substitutes. This instructional handbook is organized into chapters with helpful diagrams throughout illustrating various techniques and tools. Whether you're a true beginner or have been painting with oils for years, you will find that this book has everything you need to build a new, thriving, toxin-free practice.*; UNIQUE APPROACH: Not only does this book help aspiring artists build a repertoire of skills and materials, it also offers all artists, regardless of their experience levels, methods for eliminating solvents and other toxic substances from their oil painting practices. What was once a dangerous pastime is now a guilt-free, health-conscious, and rewarding activity. And using safe, nontoxic materials is better for the environment!*; LONG-TERM USE: Good art instruction can deliver over a long period of time, and this handy guide is no exception. Along with being able to use this as an entryway into oil painting, you can also use it for reference or reread sections when you need a brushup.*; EXPERT AUTHOR WITH IMPRESSIVE CREDENTIALS: Painter Kimberly Brooks was the founding arts editor at Huffington Post. As a painter, she exhibits her work frequently throughout the United States and was a featured artist with the National Endowment for the Arts. She has led oil painting workshops, and now she shares her vast knowledge of the subject in this accessible and comprehensive handbook.Perfect for:*; Artists and art aspirants interested in exploring a new medium*; Experienced oil painters looking to eliminate solvents from their practices*; Painting students and teachers
Utgivande förlag: Chronicle Books LLC