The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life

The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life – Köp som bok, ljudbok och e-bok

av Lena Skogholm

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The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life som bok, ljudbok eller e-bok.
The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life

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Rek. pris: 199

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Information om The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life

Här hittar du all information du kan tänkas vilja veta kring The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life. Boken är skriven av författaren Lena Skogholm. Talkmap Förlag är ansvarigt utgivande bokförlag och därmed de som gav ut boken. Utgivningsdatumet för The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life var 2018-04-01.

Originalspråket som Lena Skogholm skrev och gav ut boken på var Engelska. Dess genre är Social- & gruppsykologi vilket ger den Doef som SAB. Boken finns i flera olika versioner men dess vanligaste format är Häftad.

Om du vill läsa The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life i traditionell inbundet format eller pocket så består den av 288 antal sidor. Dess fysiska dimensioner är 212 x 136 x 18 mm och den väger så mycket som 417 g. The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life ISBN är 9789163952975. The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life är en fristående bok .

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För dig som vill köpa och läsa The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life som traditionell bok i inbundet- eller pocketformat rekommenderar vi att köpa den hos Bokus. Rekommenderat pris är 199 men det kan komma att ändras snabbt. Klicka in hos respektive bokhandel ovan för att se aktuellt pris och enkelt beställa hem boken.

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Fakta om boken

  • Boktitel: The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life
  • Författare: Lena Skogholm
  • Genre: Social- & gruppsykologi
  • Förlag: Talkmap Förlag
  • Utgivningsdatum: 2018-04-01
  • Pris: 199
  • Format: Häftad
  • Språk: Engelska
  • Antal sidor: 288
  • Fysiska dimensioner: 212 x 136 x 18 mm
  • SAB: Doef
  • ISBN: 9789163952975

Vanliga frågor om boken

Vem har skrivit The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life?

The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life är skriven av författaren Lena Skogholm

När gavs The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life ut?

Boken i den här utgåvan gavs ut 2018-04-01.

Var kan jag köpa The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life?

Vi rekommenderar att du köper The connection code : how to understand people and achieve a better work and private life hos Bokus. Vill du lyssna på boken som ljudbok kan du göra det hos Nextory eller Bookbeat.

Förlagets text om boken:  

Have you ever met a negative person who drained your energy? Asked yourself why the negative takes up so much space, or wondered how you can avoid being dragged along and dragged down? Have you become involved in misunderstandings and been unable to understand quite where it all went wrong? Or heard people say: ‘Come on! Surely we can talk about this like adults!”? Have you reflected over how best to respond when faced with someone who is deeply upset? Asked yourself what actually makes us humans function as we do? Wondered how we can develop good relationships while avoiding connections and interactions that steal lots of energy? Lecturer and behavioural scientist Lena Skogholm takes you on an exciting journey of discovery through the fantastic landscape of the brain. THE CONNECTION CODE is a guide for human relations that can be useful to you for the rest of your life. When we align our interactions with the brain”s biological frameworks, we achieve optimal results – it”s as simple as that! The author writes both instructively and from personal experience, with many colourful and compelling examples, making the book easily accessible while still based on a firm scientific foundation. You will discover explanations for events that may occur in your relationships, together with concrete advice and tools you can use in a range of situations in order to bring about the best outcome for both parties.”THE CONNECTION CODE is a real page-turner about how, as humans, we can interact more optimally through increased understanding of ourselves and others. With insights and advice that work equally well in work and private life, this is an INTELLIGENT book for both the brain and the heart.” Eva-Mia Westergren, IT Marketing Director with 15 years” experience in leadership “In THE CONNECTION CODE, the author explains in a down-toearth and clear manner what happens between people when they interact and what we can do to optimise our exchanges. A must-read for anyone who”s interested in developing better human communication.” Ulf Hall, Author and lecturer in communication and leadership 

Utgivande förlag: Talkmap Förlag